My support

in the digital world

Would you mind telling us if you've ever had any problems online? We will of course treat your answers confidentially. Of course you don't have to share this. It is important that you share your (online) problems with someone else. Everyone needs support sometimes.


Have you ever been excluded or discriminated against online?
Have you ever received fake messages or inappropriate information online?
Have you ever experienced sexual messages or sexual abuse online?
Have you ever had problems online because you gave your opinion?
Have you ever been bullied online or have you been threatened with violence?
Have you ever suffered from gaming or gambling addiction online?
Have you ever been bothered by being behind your screen for too long online?
Have you ever experienced misuse of your personal data online?
Have you ever had problems online because you shared something about yourself?
Have you ever been falsely accused by someone else online?

f you don't want to share your name, you can also use

The digital world can therefore cause many problems. We would like to hear how you would like (online) guidance to prevent problems. We would also like to hear from whom you would like (online) help if you are in trouble.

My support

I need guidance and help to avoid online problem
I need guidance and help if I am in trouble online

Please provide an explanation if you wish

Please provide an explanation if you wish

Please provide an explanation if you wish

Please provide an explanation if you wish

Please provide an explanation if you wish

Please provide an explanation if you wish

Please provide an explanation if you wish

Please provide an explanation if you wish

Please provide an explanation if you wish

Please provide an explanation if you wish

Please provide an explanation if you wish

Who can best guide and help you if you have online problems?

Multiple answers are correct